Friday, April 24, 2009

recent trips/news

Austria was a lot of fun and very interesting. We stayed in Slazburg, Austria 11/4 to 13/3. We visited the castle and lots of other cool things (Mozart's birth house) etc. It was really cool to learn more about Mozart, because of my interest in piano now.

Two days ago, (22/4) I went to Mantua (Mantova in italian) with my class. which was a lot of fun hanging out with all my friends for the day outside of school. It was one of my favorite day trips ever, because of being with my friends and of course touring a city in ITALY!! hahaha

I have a favorite tv show now also. its funny cause its actually an american show but ive never seen it before coming here. Its called JAG. Its dubbed in italian though. but oh well i understand just the same. :)

My piano teacher (cousin of my host mom) said that she might bring me to Milan in june after school. Because she travels often to Milan for work. Which is exciting, i just hope it works out. I already owe her so much, cause shes giving me the piano lessons for free. but she seems to love me anyway, reminds me of one of my families back home (tortlands) haha.

thats about all for now. oh! tomorrow there isnt school because it is the "giorno di liberazione" (april 25, 1945). basically independence day. Italy celebrates 64 years tomorrow so believe it or not, technically USA is older than Italy by a lot.. this year is our 229th year of independence.

hope all is well with you!

ciao for now,

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