Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Photos of Croatia

Here are some random photos of my day trip to Croatia.
I hope you all like them.

Ciao for now,

Saturday, May 16, 2009

things going on in my life


Tomorrow I'm going to Croatia with my host family! Although, we have to be at Trieste around 5:50am to catch the bus, so we have to leave the house around 5. Which means I have to get up at 4am.. ewww. lol anyway I'm looking forward to that. Next Saturday, is my host sister's birthday, so we'll be celebrating that. Then the week after that, thursday to sunday (28-31), I have my last orientation with AFS. It's going to be sad, cause some of the kids are leaving early cause they have signed contracts to work this summer, so they need to leave earlier. So, this is the last time I'll be able to see all AFSers (in my area atleast)... :(

My school ends June 10th!!!! I've already taken my last spanish test of the year. Math, Italian and chemistry I only have 1 more to take. We don't have finals or midterms here!!!!! I've heard the last week of school we don't really do anything!! lol NICE.

I finally finished all the Italian lessons after school. I took the final test yesterday, so I'll find out the results next week. I can't believe everything is coming to an end. It's sad and exciting at the same time.

Well I'll see you all soon (i think about 50 days till I come home)

Ciao for now,

Monday, May 4, 2009

recent news

So I think I got confused. May 2nd isn't a holiday, so I don't know when there "july 4th" is for them. I'm thinking it could be April 25th like I thought.

This past weekend (friday-saturday) I had a lot of fun. I slept over a friend's house. We played AMERICAN FOOTBALL!!! My friend knows some missionaries (who are American), so we got some friends together and the missionaries and played some football. Of course the Americans crushed the others, but it was a lot of fun. Then we moved to basketball, where the Americans crushed the other AGAIN. I think its just in our blood. lol.

Then yesterday, Sunday, there was the 16th Bavisela in Trieste. It is a marathon from Gradisca to Trieste which is competitive, then there is the non-competitive which is from Miramare to Trieste center (about 8km, which is 5 miles) which about 50 of us from AFS did. All the other people had a pink t-shirt on (which we got) but we wanted to represent AFS, so we are wore a bright yellow AFS t-shirt and handed out AFS flyers. it was fun.

i think thats it for now,

ciao for now,