Tuesday, June 9, 2009

its almost over... :(

Hey guys,

well school finishes tomorrow and i leave for the USA in about 26 days.. this month will be a real roller-coaster of emotions. im happy to be going home, to see my family and friends, and sad at the same time cause i dont want to leave my other friends and family here. in fact, i showed my class a powerpoint that i made of the past 9 or so months and most of us started crying as it marks the beginning of the goodbyes for us..im about 99.999 % sure i will cry tomorrow at the end of school, then as well at the party my friends are planning to throw me, and when i actually leave.

I have truely had the time of my life here in Italy and i will remember this experience for the rest of my life. i have made so many amazing friends and we are sure to keep in touch, as most of them are planning to come next summer to visit me!!! =D

i have learned so many things about cultural differences, the world, and myself.. i can now say that i view the world with new and different eyes. this view of the world is so cool and diverse i cant put it into words.. its something you can see only when you experience this cultural exchange i have done.

i dont know what else to say other than the fact that, i will see you all very soon!

ciao for now,

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Looking back it seems like just yesterday you were born...oh...I mean that we dropped you off at the airport in NY. This time without you started out slow and long....but soon has become a blurr.... I miss you like crazy and pray for you everyday. Love - ~Mom